Last Friday we had a fun fun stream full of Turin Brakes live material and silly banter. You can watch it again on…
The Ether Song 20th anniversary tour has begun, which means we’re now starting to get fan videos from the tour. Here’s a video…
This video has been up on YouTube for a fair few months already, but in case you haven’t seen it, here’s our favourite…
Here’s Turin Brakes performing an acoustic version of World Like That, featuring an excellent guitar solo by Gale :). The whole show can…
Turin Brakes know how to cover a classic. Here’s the band covering ‘Running Up That Hill’ by Kate Bush: The song was recently…
So this past month, Turin Brakes have been in Konk Studios recording the 10th Turin Brakes album. I thought this could be a…
Today twenty years ago, I was still in secondary school. As true Dutch children, my friends and I would cycle to school everyday.…
The 20th anniversary of Turin Brakes’ debut album The Optimist Lp has been a great success. With a tour happening later this year…
Turin Brakes will be in the Radio Eins studio before there Berlin gig on Tuesday. They will be interview guests. The article doesn’t…