There has been new stuff added to the site over the weekend, you might want to check it out.
– Turin Brakes’ Capital FM session has been added to the MEDIA STREAMS page. It features three songs (Painkiller (Summer Rain), Something In My Eye and Theme from Cheers). But you can also download the MP3 version via the BOOTLEGS page.
– Check out Olly impersonating David Beckham in the STATE OF THINGS.
– The BOOTLEGS page has been updated. All old sessions that used to be broken are now fixed, with more on the way.
Coming up later this week is a very special feature: Ether Site sat down with that Turin Brakes drummer: he’s as bald as Phil Collins, but twice the size (and both are very talented)… I’m talking about Rob Allum of course! Rob talks about everything: himself, joining Turin Brakes and playing the recent UK tour… Check back later this week for the full interview.
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