New Turin Space Blog: Munich and Berlin
Olly has written a new blog following the Munich (14th Dec) and Berlin (16th Dec) gigs last week. It appears there were 3 encores in Berlin (cor blimey!) Here’s the full blog:
Hi; Well the two German dates were some of the best EU shows ever for us, a complete and total appreciation from all corners of the venues. We seem to be having a lot of fun but also getting something new out of these shows musically. It’s been so cool to see so many people turning up to see us without barely any push from label or media, we are full of excited conversations about the future and ways to keep things going and keep touring and meeting all these lovely fans of the music…..
Well I’m backstage in Groningen and Ed and Phil have just walked in claming to have ‘done the whole town’ (they love to go and buy 2nd hand records by people with funny faces) We are all still buzzed up by the 3 encours in Berlin (a TB 1st!?) It will be interesting to feel how different the Dutch dates are, were expecting a more chilled vibe;) Thankyou Munich and Berlin, we will work out a way to come back sooner rather than later…. Ox
New Feeling Oblivion tab
A new tab for Feeling Oblivion is in the Lyrics & Tabs section. Check it out! And if you have tabbed songs that you’d like to contribute to Ether Site, click the contact button in the right top corner!
Super good review of the Islington Academy gig last Monday
Check out for a review of last week’s gig in London. I was there and fully concur with everything said! 🙂
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