I know… This wasn’t supposed to happen before January, but well… I failed :). Here is a newer Ether Site. So let me talk you through it…
The main thing is that I have switched to WordPress as my CMS. While Movable Type wasn’t bad at all, it took more time to customize and some thing were just downright confusing. For a long time I build the whole site from scratch, but time prevents this these days. So I want something that is easy to manage. WordPress is very easy to manage.
Now the website looks basically the same as it used to, apart from the fact that Trebuchet MS is no longer the font I use and Georgia has left the building as well. The font I use now is easier to read. Another thing that has changed is the layout: it is a bit spacier and easier to use. Browse around and you’ll see the difference. The only section of the website that’s still in the old layout is Writings, but the articles will soon be transferred to the new layout.
I also cut back on the ads. They didn’t really seem to be bringing in any real money and if they’re not going to help support the website, I might as well remove them. From now on I’ll be selling ads directly via Paypal. More info on that here. You will also find some related product links here and there, but no more annoying flashing banners for now. Also as soon as I’ve raised the money to pay for the site, the ads will be gone. If you wish to help, please consider buying a T-shirt or donating money via Paypal (more info here).
Now, one reason why I switched to this new system, is that it allows me to implement new features faster. Despite 2009 looking to be a rather quiet Turin Brakes year (mind you, I still hope Album 5 will be released in the second half of 2009), I plan to keep working on the website, revealing various new features (like the Burning Fires Audio Player). If you’ve got ideas or tips, feel free to send me an e-mail.
There’s also a new form for the Song of the Year 2008 election. If you encountered problems with the last one, try this.
The RSS-feed hasn’t changed. However, if you encounter any problems, you might want to re-subscribe anyway. Also, in the sidebar you’ll find an option to get new news items via e-mail.
That’s it for now! What do you think? Let me know! And easy on the fireworks this week and hopefully see you around!
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