Turin Brakes News

More exclusiveness: ‘Never Stops’ & ‘Paper Heart’

Last Monday night we premiered Sea Change for you. Now, here are two more exclusive new songs: Never Stops and Paper Heart. Be prepared to be blown away (especially by Paper Heart). Also, scroll down for Come & Go with a very different intro, and New Star as acoustic as acoustic can be…

Never Stops

People who saw Never Stops on YouTube already will notice this second night rendition is much faster. What do you prefer?

Paper Heart


So, how about that, eh? 😉

Come And Go

Not exactly a new song, but a nice acoustic version of a classic song can never be wrong!

New Star

Impressive, eh?

Thanks to Shazia for sending these in! And thanks Maurice for the first night footage! Very appreciated!

You like? Tell the world in the comments :). And then tell your friends!

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