
Scotland Twitter Updates

No storm to big for the band that Never Stops (geddit? Never Stops? That’s a new song!). These past days Olly and Gale played three dates in the very north of the United Kingdom. Today Turin Brakes rounds up their short notice Highlands duo Tour with a gig in Aberdeen. Now here’s some tweets by the band on the trip to the North.

  1. – This LOOKS like a Tb song 14 minutes ago from TwitPic
  2. – Olly gets friendly with the locals 14 minutes ago from TwitPic
  3. woke up after massive night in Shetland, packed crowd well up for it and then a pub sing along! on to Aberdeen in another tiny plane now… about 5 hours ago from mobile web
  4. crowd sang the “la las” to Neil Young cover, a first, great night, now more roading and flying, hope the storms all gone… 12:16 AM Oct 4th from mobile web
  5. G drove like a demon for three ho[u]rs across the mountains, were aboutto go on in Inverness, bones still shaking… 1:01 PM Oct 3rd from mobile web
  6. Fingers crossed the ferry is gonna leave to get us to the gig tonight,big storm arriving! 3:02 AM Oct 3rd from txt
  7. great time in stornoway, been hardwork, crazy weather, boats canceled etc, carachter building stuff x 1:38 AM Oct 3rd from mobile web
  8. Prop plane to inverness! 6:20 AM Oct 1st from txt
  9. Getting ready for our trip to the Scottish Highlands and Islands, think it’s gonna be quite something, road movie stuff….. Were filming 😉 1:34 PM Sep 30th from web

Turin Brakes will be on the new BBC Shetland show Sideways this Thursday! Previews on Youtube soon.

@emmajgd posted photos and a video for Dark on Fire from Inverness. Thanks a lot :-).

Reviews and more photos from the gigs are very welcome!!

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