So now that the UK tour is over, time to focus on the next step. 11 April the EU tour kicks off, which will visit The Netherlands, Germany and Italy. If you’ve got reviews, setlists, photos or videos which you want to share, please do! Send them to
Now, US news. The boys are currently trying to get the visas arranged that will allow them to tour in the USA. If things go right (which they should, even though Gale has been detained as a suspect terrorist in the past ;)), a US tour will kick off very, very soon. Turin Brakes are playing a show in Dublin in June, so it might be before mid June or after it… We’ll see though.
In the meantime, all you US people can buy the new record from tomorrow (Monday), so burst out if you can!
Right now I’m not sure whether the album is released with the same bonus track on iTunes US (Endless Freeze Frame), but tomorrow all will be revealed. The CD version is the same. The album is released through Cooking Vinyl USA.
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