Gale posted a new blog on about touring the west and east coast of the United States. The guys appear to be pretty tired… Not long now, 2 more nights to go!
As these latest photos show there hasnt been much downtime in our touring schedule . We are generally setting alarms, driving all day , doing the gig , checking into the hotel and repeating . We are grabbing every moment that we can though for sneaky enjoyment. Now we’ve hit the East coast the venues have become a but more suited to our acoustic needs ( dont speak too soon! ) its not that some venues havent been good its just easier to get inside the music when you’re not battling DJs downstairs or a mass rock band next door .
We did manage to stop at Niagara for a romantic 20 minutes with Ed and we grabbed a quick burger in Gary , Illinois – Micheal Jackson’s birth place and to be honest driving in this country is like a dream .
Thanks to everyone for coming out to the shows – they have all been great in their own way and we’ve met some great people ( and some crazies!) New York was a big chaotic trip , ( I’ve never seen so much sewage clearance from such big trucks so close to my window !) and Annapolis was the antidote , only 2 more shows and this tour blows – I wonder what will happen today ?
Full thing here…
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