So. We’re doing a sexy TB fans calendar 2011 for charity. We have yet to come up with a charity or the different models for each and every month (some people have already volunteered, so that’s a start, now we need you!). You don’t have to pretty, but you have to be a tb fan to be on it. And you have to be sort of sexy but not necessarily naked (then again, we have to cater to everyone’s needs). So if you want to be involved (so far five or six people have said they were interested), get in touch via email (
Turin Brakes have given their full support to the thing and will obviously play at the launch party of the calendar, where the calendar will be on sale. (If I write it, it’s true right?). You can get in touch via Twitter (twitter @ditisstefan or @ethersite or @the_real_TB and or use the hashtag #tbcalendar ), e-mail ( or… Well no that’s it actually. We’ll keep you posted!
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