I first discovered the Optimist LP when a friend of mine recommended the album to me in 2004. That was just a short time before I went to France for three months. It was the first time I spent such a long time abroad. Hence I felt homesick and lonely a lot (my apartment was in a small village near Strasburg with no TV or Internet…). In those days I listened to the album a lot. It kind of matched my mood, especially the songs Oblivion and The Optimist. The album seemed to me like the perfect mix of uplifting, feel-good and melancholy music.
Whenever I listen to The Optimist LP, I think back at those months in France which made me learn a lot about myself and which I will always recall as a great experience.
I scarcely need to mention that I have been a great Turin Brakes fan ever since.
Kind regards from Munich
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