My parents had bought The Optimist album and it was played religiously every second it could be played, before school in the morning, the second anyone was home, car journeys, dinner times. I must have been about 9 or 10 and I remember my mum talking about a gig listing she had seen for you in the guardian guide. It was the first gig I had ever been to, sheer excitement and nerves, thats what I remember feeling, but when we got in, we stood right at the front and i sang to every song. Now ten years on i’ll be going to my tenth gig at the Kazimier. Turin Brakes were with me through my childhood, 12 hour car journeys to scotland became bareable and as the C.D collection grew through the years the journeys were even quite enjoyable. The Optimist has to have some of the best Turin Brakes songs, my two all time favourite being The Door and Mind Over Money. Can’t wait for more songs!
Eve Matthew, Edge Hill University, Lancs.
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