Apparently, Turin Brakes are looking to tour this October. A gig has popped up all the way at the end of 2012… Saturday 13 October 2012. If it’s happening (the gig is still unconfirmed at this very moment), it’s exciting news and more dates may follow. I’m not saying there WILL be a tour, but there might be… I wouldn’t mind an October tour! Ofcourse, October is like AAAAAGGGEEESSS away. But still…
Think of ALL the things the band could do between now and October… Like record an album, drink many beers, reorganize the cd collection, get excited and then be disappointed, have a life, get kids (if they’re born a couple of months early), tour Eurasia, Australia AND The States, get stoned (don’t do drugs), reorganize the cd collection, walk through London backwards, check your back pockets for your keys again and – let’s not forget – reorganize the cd collection. Again.
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