Olly Knights has made a solo album. And Philip Bloom has made a documentary about it. And then a trailer was made for that album, which has just been uploaded to Vimeo. Now we know more about Olly’s solo album – which will be called If not now when. That’s how it works.
Olly Knights: If not now when from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
The description read as follows:
Taster of soon to be released documentary about lead singer/ songwriter of Turin Brakes’ Olly Knights and his attempts to break his writer’s block which spanned many years by going back to complete basics and recording a solo album in his own home using old analogue gear from ebay.
Filmed, edited and directed by Philip Bloom on the Canon C300
Lens whacking and camera B James Miller on the FS700
In the trailer the title track is previewed in the trailer and Olly talks about not being able to write songs naturally and how the only solution seemed to write “just for himself”. Thankfully, he’ll be releasing this material to the public, as is made clear at the end:
Unfortunately, we don’t know any release dates yet, not for the documentary nor for the solo album. Hopefully it means we’ll have some new music to listen soon.
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