After Ether Site posted a totally innocent “when do you reckon the next TB album will be released?” question on Twitter yesterday, we managed to extract some information out of Olly on Twitter.
@ethersite @si_g well were recording it in march this time….
—Turin Brakes (@theturinbrakes) januari 21, 2013
Afterwards it’ll probably be another couple of months before Cooking Vinyl is ready to release the album so I doubt it’ll be here before the Summer, but not long thereafter seems likely… As to what the album will sound like?
@conor_utv @ethersite @si_g classic 70’s folk rock with a slice of 21st century physchodelicals and a smidge of alt country funk 😉
—Turin Brakes (@theturinbrakes) januari 21, 2013
Alt Country Funk eh? Sounds interesting. We’ll see ;).
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