Turin Brakes News

New song on ‘Bitten By The Frost’ single

4k-Bitten-by-the-frost2--670x353 by Philip Bloom

Bitten By The Frost15 April is the release date of the new Bitten By The Frost single by Olly Knights. The single will be released on iTunes (pre-order here) but more importantly contains a new song called Waiting For The Rain. A long, one-minute preview can be heard on iTunes as well. The song sounds similar to the work on Olly’s debut album, but the production is a bit more dreamy then some of the other songs.

Can’t wait to hear the rest. For those anxious to see the video, according to a tweet by the guy shooting it, Philip Bloom, it goes live on Monday morning, 9 AM. So that’s your Monday sorted!


Philip Bloom has written a blog about it here. Screengrab above.

The one I am most excited about showing is Olly Knights’ new video “Bitten by the frost” Shot in 4k. This looks brilliant in HD and is very stylistic with a strong narrative. Here are some frame grabs and BTS pics. It will go live post BVE to watch. BUT PLEASE COME either Tuesday 3:30pm, Weds 3:30pm and Thursday 1:15pm to the 3D/4k theatre. Please come early as it’s limited space and first come first served. This will also be my first chance to see my work in 4k. I am very excited.

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