Turin Brakes latest official release, the Xerox EP is finally available as a digital EP on iTunes. In Australia, that is, where the band will tour to promote said release and upcoming album 6 (title as yet unavailable). TheDwarf.com.au reviewed the EP on their website, ahead of Turin Brakes date at Fly By Night in Perth:
On show here are their versions of some classic songs that in one way or another influenced the Turin Brakes sound. Call it folk rock, call it acoustic psychedelia, call it what you like, you will find the same imaginative, grooving soulful exploration of the human condition that you can find on all Turin Brakes records and in their live shows.
As well as an original song “Rescue Squad” that fuses the economic downturn with tales of Bonnie and Clyde, of all things we have an amazing version of “Chim Chim Cher-ee” that starts off like a delicate goose pimply sonic spider-web only to explode into quite outrageous space rock! But don’t worry “74-75” and “Ricky Don’t Lose That Number” soon bring you back safely to earth, warm in the knowledge that these boys have the ability to surprise and comfort all at the same time.
No doubt, the boys will bring the cd version to Australia, where it’ll be on sale at tour dates. But if you can’t wait (and Rescue Squad really is an excellent new song!) you can go ahead and buy it now.
No word on whether the digital release will be extended to other countries…
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