You’ve recently been recording your new album which is set for an August release. What can we expect from it?
If you’re a Turin Brakes fan, like I am, you won’t be disappointed.
We went to an analogue tape studio (like the old days) to capture some of those old limitations. We ended up with what could have been a direct follow up to our first album from 2001 with a slightly psychedelic tinge. You can expect a good listen from start to finish. An album rather than a collection singles with lots of depth and without any boring bits, honest.
Have you been doing anything differently with this album?
The main thing was imposing limitations. With a laptop you can do anything, including make a recording of a song that you’ve never played from start to finish! Which has its place but we were sure we wanted to go back to a canvas rather than a computer screen and embrace that.
Do you have a particular song that is always your favourite to play at a show?
I’m looking forward to busting out ‘Blindsided’ or ‘Inbetween’ from the new album. ‘Blindsided’ being a bit of wobbly psychedelic. It’s always nice to get that connection when you play some favourites too. There are bands we love too so we’re aware how important it is to hear stuff you know and love.
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