Counting down to the release of ‘We Were Here’, the 6th Turin Brakes studio album, we’re posting exclusive quotes from our interview with Olly – almost – every day up to 30 September 2013. If you like what you read, please share it with a friend or pre-order ‘We Were Here’. Check out the other [Olly Answers] here.
There are some definite nods to older material on the album (from what I’ve heard of it), lyrically and musically, is that the influence of The Optimist tour or reflecting on a decade of releasing LPs or something else entirely?
Not really, it’s more that we kinda felt we had some unfinished business. We’ve always held up the idea of progression as being everything so I guess our later work has gotten quite far away from those early days, I think we just felt we were ready to bring something new and very “now” into that early TB sound, so it’s not a re-hash at all, more an update!
Hearing songs like Blindsided Again do really seem to explain what Olly means! There’s early TB epic guitarness (like Lasso) but it’s something entirely different as well. How cool is that?
Want to know about the central themes of We Were Here? Check back tomorrow! In the meantime, check out the Album Sampler on Spotify and order We Were Here: CD | LP | iTunes.
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