Counting down to the release of ‘We Were Here’, the 6th Turin Brakes studio album, we’re posting exclusive quotes from our interview with Olly – almost – every day up to 30 September 2013. If you like what you read, please share it with a friend or pre-order ‘We Were Here’. Check out the other [Olly Answers] here.
What would you say the central theme of this album is, if there is one?
Loneliness, Isolation, but an underlying faith that whatever happens were all connected. I think some of our themes and ideas can be quite brutal and honest about the human condition but we always try to make it beautiful, that’s the way I see things I suppose, whats strange is on paper it sounds utterly depressing but in music it’s the greatest thing ever, when all that instinctive truth gets expressed and understood in just an invisible moment, that’s why music is magic.
Check back tomorrow for the influence of If Not Now When and Outbursts on the new record! In the meantime, check out the Album Sampler on Spotify and order We Were Here: CD | LP | iTunes.
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