Celebrating the release of ‘We Were Here’, the 6th Turin Brakes studio album, we’re posting exclusive quotes from our interview with Olly. If you like what you read, please share it with a friend or order ‘We Were Here’. Check out the other [Olly Answers] here.
So, what’s next for Turin Brakes? There’s a sense of finality to this album. Are you guys working on anything new, since you jammed with Benjaming Leftwich last Summer? What else can fans look forward to?
There is no big plan, just this music right now, that really is all I can say…. We still love doing what we do. We’re messing around with Ben, he’s fun to hang out with. We’re just chuffed he seems to find our music inspirational, because he’s a really good artist. If it turns into actual songs then great, it’s all quite relaxed. We’re also doing the odd bit of collaboration. We did some work with Dub Step God Flux Pavilion recently who happens to be a major TB fan, it’s sounding stunning but thats all I know so far….
“Crime of the century” by Supertramp, “Harvest” By Neil Young….
And this concludes the Olly Answers series. I hope you found it nice to read. Thanks a million to Olly Knights for participating. And thank you for reading.
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