I’ve dubbed October as my Month of Music Madness. But it got off to a rocky start. In hindsight, starting your October Music Month on 29 September is cheating anyway, but I was so excited about First Aid Kit that I ignored my body protesting for most of the night (and counted it as part of October as well). I had feeling less than well since the weekend before and despite a very busy Monday and Tuesday I tried to do it all anyway. I dragged myself to the First Aid Kit gig, hoping that the music would magically (madly) make me feel better. It did for a while – the gig was really excellent and I don’t regret going to it, but I had to leave before the encore to drag myself home, to a bed, and get a good night’s sleep. I wasn’t sure whether it was stress, a cold or something else but it didn’t feel good and I had resigned myself to calling in sick for work the next day.
Only, I felt better the next day and I saw out the week despite the initial symptoms of just feeling crappy evolving into a proper cold, which I’m nursing as we speak, over one week later. I’m hoping it will go away soon and I’ve been on a strict regime of early nights and mostly decent food hoping I’m recovered before the next stretch kicks off…
Because although I’ve been listening to some excellent new music lately (Jeff Tweedy’s Low Key song is very enjoyable, as is Erlend Øye’s brand-new Legao album, the next live portion of my month of music madness is this weekend when Turin Brakes come to town. Or more precisely: three towns. I’m going to Amsterdam on Saturday afternoon and from there I will go to both Amsterdam and Den Bosch gigs, and of course do the acoustic set in my hometown of Nijmegen on Sunday afternoon.
So that’s three gigs and it feels like a little adventure and excitement in the mundane everyday life. It might even sound crazy, or mad, to do the three gigs. But hey, I’m excited so don’t try to stop me ;). People have done crazier things in life, right? RIGHT?
The music month then continues on Tuesday – with the same Erlend Øye playing Amsterdam, Thomas Dybdahl coming to my hometown the week after. There’s another gig I’m going to on the 30th and then in November former Turin Brakes support act Kevin Pearce comes to The Netherlands, and there’s some interesting festivals happening in that month as well. So, well, you know… Plenty of music happening for sure.
I’m currently deciding what the weekend should look like online. W2 could/should be livestreaming the gig and there’ll be some tweets from the road for sure, but we’re thinking of doing a podcast in-between gigs and little videos maybe, if you’re all up for that, let me know in the comments or via Facebook or Twitter. Hashtag will be #TBNL – is that a good one?
Speaking of those social channels, Ether Site just hit 300 likes on Facebook, so thanks for all your support guys. To celebrate I made a little Turin Brakes Live Playlist on Spotify with frequently played live songs by the band. If you want to prepare for the upcoming gigs, or just want to listen to some classic Turin Brakes songs, I suggest you check it out :D.
Also, Brutal Bookings are giving away two pairs of tickets on Twitter and Facebook for the Den Bosch gig on Sunday night. So if you couldn’t afford to go to these shows, now you can… Maybe? Or you can drag two friends alone who will be amazed by the wonders of this awesome band.
Anyway, hopefully see you in Amsterdam, Nijmegen or Den Bosch. Come say Hi! if you like, or not if you don’t ;). It should be a great weekend even if the weather isn’t as Summer-y as it was only a couple of days ago.
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