Welcome to Ask Ether Site, where you can ask any (TB-related) question to, you guessed it, Ether Site! Today’s question is from Yudha and comes all the way from Indonesia. He says:
I don’t understand the meaning [of] your lyric in If Not Now When? Thanks. I am from indonesia n late to know your briliant music. Great turin brakes.
Well as much as it’s not for me to say what is the definite meaning behind any Turin Brakes song, I’ve always thought If Not Now When is about creative process as much as it is about the desire to create something meaningful and something that will outlast our humble beings and our daily lives. As we grow older and wiser we see similar patterns yet change our approach on how to deal with them. And while we are concerned with doing our jobs, our being a parent, we look for meaning and guidance in an ever confusing world where everything appears to going down the drain. One way to deal with that seems hidden in If Not Now When.
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