Are you excited? I’m excited. Here’s what we’ve learnt so far from the video and all other little tidbits, and my best guess at what the band are announcing on Monday. I might have it wrong, but I could be right… YOU NEVER KNOW? 😉
Album title
The album will be called Lost Property. While we can’t be 100% sure, that was the hashtag they used when posting the video and Rob mentioned it in an interview.
Release date
For those hoping that Turin Brakes might ‘pull a Beyoncé and suddenly release a new album this Monday: don’t hold your breath. On Twitter the band have teased early 2016 release dates with Olly one time mentioning January to a fan. Since earlier this year, albums are released on Friday instead of Monday, worldwide, so that leaves any of the Fridays of January as a possibility.
Pre-orders are likely
You’re not gonna make people come to your website on Monday if you ain’t got anything to sell. So it’s likely there won’t be just an announcement, there’ll also be something to pre-order. That was the case last time. And if we’re lucky, we might be able to hear (a snippet of) a new song when we do. Whether that’s the first single (like with Time & Money during the last album launch) or an awesome album track (Apocolips during Outbursts) remains to be seen.
A tour could be coming
Turin Brakes have history of announcing what I’d like to call ‘the triple BAM’: a single, an album and a UK tour. Although normally I would have stumbled on some early dates by now due to over-eager venues and ticket websites, everything has been kept under wraps. As every Turin Brakes fan knows, the band are awesome live and it would be quite weird if they didn’t announce any live dates alongside the album announcement.
A website makeover could go live
For every album, the website has had a makeover, so it’s likely we’re getting something fresh this time as well. It might have some early indication of the album artwork and visual style of the new TB era… So keep your eyes peeled for! And while we’re on that subject of visual style….
The fonts are similar but different
The font used to announce ‘Monday’ in the video looks like a throw-back to the Ether Song secondary font. So not the one used as a logo on this site, but the one used on for example the stickers put on the cd covers on the singles of Long Distance and 5 Mile and in places in the lyrics booklet:
There’s a new song in the video
The music playing in the background of the video is a new song – it might even be the title track but that is unconfirmed. It’s vintage TB in the way that is a repeating Gale riff and some very strummy guitar chords going on. It will be interesting to hear where it goes from here, because it sounds a bit bigger than the often very subtle We Were Here. They used Time & Money in the announcement video and while that is a VERY nice song, it’s not as bold as what’s playing here, with Gale’s guitar front and center here. As I didn’t go to the Lyme Folk Festival gig, I didn’t hear the new songs Lost Property and 96, but it’s definitely not Jump Start that’s playing in the background. So I’m gonna guess it’s a single, but perhaps someone who was at Lyme Folk can reveal if it’s either of those songs?
They are walking
The album was once again recorded at Rockfield just like last album We Were Here (we knew that, but still) and the teaser video has the band walking around. They’re good at that. They do it all the time when they release a new album.
OK. That’s all I can distill from this little video. It’s still only 28 seconds long. We need more. But we ain’t getting more until Monday. So.. Well.. What’s everybody doing today?
Check out my previous blog to see all other things we already knew about #TB7 or Lost Property as we can probably call it now.
And now we wait.
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