This week it’s release week in the world of Turin Brakes. This means we’re counting down to the release of the new Turin Brakes album Lost Property. Olly Knights has kindly agreed to answer some questions about the new record, which we’ll be publishing over the next few days. Also coming up: a review of Lost Property and hopefully many more goodies! Today Olly talks about the theme and meaning of Lost Property.
Why is the new LP called Lost Property? Where did the inspiration come from?
“I noticed a thread at some point in the writing, a theme of loss. I think coping with loss is a huge human battle, we are doing it all the time even if we aren’t consciously aware of it, it can drive us insane or save our lives, being human and having a self realised mind means we live in the past/present/future all at once, it’s crazy when you think about it.”
The record is very big and bold sounding, yet also intimate and direct in places. What was the general plan or idea for this record?
“The writing had some big themes so the record needed to match the scope, at times highly personal and at others broader and universal. We wanted to go as far as we could, not be scared and stay small and safe.”
What would you say the main influences were for this record?
“I have no idea really, I just decided it’s time to take a photograph of my current mind and write, then as a band we kinda all do that again together while working on the material, it is what it is. I guess the experience of We Were Here was a factor in a more practical way, we all felt good about it, like we’d come through to a new pasture, so we wanted to carry on the journey.”
Check back tomorrow for more answers from Olly. Including what his favorite part of the record is.
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