This week it’s release week in the world of Turin Brakes. This means we’re counting down to the release of the new Turin Brakes album Lost Property. Olly Knights has kindly agreed to answer some questions about the new record. Today we’re publishing the final part of this series. Tomorrow we publish our review of Lost Property! Today Olly talks about the cover art of Lost Property, the song Rome and plans for the tour and the future.
What about the cover art, once again by Sam Chivers, what is that all about?
Olly: “We love his work, it feels like a great visual partner to the music at the moment. The last two albums feel slightly different to the ones before, like a new set, so it just feels correct to still use Sam’s amazing work, it’s something about his craft mixed with his slightly surreal space themes.”
From an Italian fan: What is the song Rome based on? Has it got anything to do with your experiences in this city?
Olly: “It came from the experience of sitting on an ancient wall outside the colosseum together strumming guitars and just hanging around in Rome as a band, it was a wonderful dream like moment. The song weaves all that in with some childhood memory’s and ancient intentions that may or may not have come to fruition.”
From a UK fan: Do you or the band have any superstitious habits before a gig or during a recording session etc?
Olly: “I used to do the same warm ups every night, pacing around singing To You from an I Am Kloot song off Natural History. But now I don’t bother, we just find a nice quiet pub and pretend we’re hanging out, then about half an hour before the show we wander back and wander on to the stage, it’s so much better than pacing around backstage getting all freaked out.”
What songs (from the new LP) are you looking forward to playing on tour most?
Olly: “Black Rabbit, last night we came up with a cool outro which is fun, The Quiet Ones feels lovely to play too, as well as Lost Property and 96, all of em? Ha.”
Are there special plans for the upcoming tour?
Olly: “Just to give the best experience we can to the fans, it will stay simple, no movie screens and fireworks, just the band and the fans.”
So what’s next for Turin Brakes? There seems to be a good flow building up with ‘Keep Me Around’ as a single… How far are you looking ahead? Any plans yet for the future?
Olly: “It’s feeling good at the moment, hearing TB back on the radio a bit is quite thrilling! I will be glad to just get this record out so we can start seeing if there’s anything new in the tank. We are just appreciating what we have at the moment, it’s nice to be back for a while.”
Thank you Olly! And thank you for reading! Also check out part 1, part 2 and part 3.
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