What is your favourite Turin Brakes song? We need your votes here at Ether Site HQ to decide the Turin Brakes song of the year. It’s an annual tradition here at Ether Site. The idea is simple: make a list of your favourite Turin Brakes songs, send them to me and wait for the results to be published on 1 January 2018. So the deadline for your top list is 31 December 2017 11.59 PM (UK time).
For inspiration, here are last year’s results: Song of the Year 2016 list.
There’s some additional questions for fun and games. But the list of songs is most important. If the form below doesn’t work, just send them to ethersite@gmail.com or leave a comment below if you have any questions! Thanks for participating!
You can pick any original song by Turin Brakes, including the already released songs of the new album (Would You Be Mine, Wait). Check out our songs database for an almost complete list of songs by Turin Brakes.
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