What’s this? What’s this? What time of the year is it again? It’s VOTING time! 2022 has flown by, with the band in full UK touring mode, a new album under their belts and plenty of exciting gigs to look forward to. As per tradition, this is the time where you can vote for your favourite Turin Brakes songs. So send us your Top 7 before the end of the year by simply filling in the form below or email them directly… And make sure you tune into the….
Results livestream
For the third time in a row, we’ll announce the winners once again in a very special episode of Ether Site On Air Live on Monday 2 January 2023 at 8 PM (UK time) on YouTube. We’ll send you reminder + link right before the livestream so you don’t miss it IF you vote (please vote! Hopefully all you good people will be able to join us!
If you have any messages, stories, tour reports, videos or anything else to share with the livestream audience, please let us know via the voting form or get in touch via the socials or email. We would also like to know what you thought of the new TB album, and what your favourite song is…
How to vote
Fill in the form below or email the information below to ethersite@gmail.com. Deadline: 31st December 23:59.
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