The Optimist Gallery: LaMortimer Whippy
The song “the optimist” is one of my favourite songs of Turin Brakes and still is. Its super beautiful and just one of…
The Optimist Gallery: Nadja from Münich
I first discovered the Optimist LP when a friend of mine recommended the album to me in 2004. That was just a short…
The Optimist Gallery: Anna H.
The joys of The Optimist LP began for me at a Stereophonics gig in Liverpool. It was my first proper gig experience, Turin…
The Optimist Gallery: T in the Park 2001 recording
So, back in 2001, Turin Brakes played T in the Park 2001. 6Music broadcasted part of that gig to the digital airwaves, and…
The Optimist Gallery: The Door
The Door was released on 3 formats on 19th February 2001 as interest in the band was gathering apace. It was put out…
The Optimist Gallery: Anna C.
I saw that you are commemorating 10 years since the release of The Optimist LP and I wanted to write and let you…
The Optimist Gallery: Gary Tunn
Saw this and thought i would throw my two’penneth in. I fell in love with the band after early airplay on radio1 back…
The Optimist Gallery: Andrea
Back in 2001, my cousin and I were big fans of The Stereophonics and I mean BIG. We knew the words to ‘A…
The Optimist Gallery: Sue from Germany
Hi, I’d never consciously heard of Turin Brakes – neither the name nor the music before I went to see Travis live in…
The Optimist Gallery: Scott
Hi there, I did a blog post recently (here) in which I listed songs that reminded me of certain points/place in time. By…