Fight or Flight

Released on 23 October 2000 | | 0 comments

Fight Or Flight was quite possibly a creative high for Turin Brakes in terms of the quality of tracks which featured on this EP. Mind Over Money, Nine To Five, Emergency 72 and Christine. The most important point was that Turin Brakes had already completed writing, recording, mixing and fully produced most of the tracks for the album when the State Of Things EP was put out. 

Fight Or flight has a definition, and the definition is “An emergency reaction in which the body prepares for combat or escape from potentially dangerous situations, animals, or people”. “Usage: Many non-verbal (e.g., dilated pupils, sweaty palms, bristling hair [i.e., piloerection], and a faster breathing rate. Along with squaring the torso for battle or angling to prepare for flight) are visible in stepped-up visceral feelings and body movements of the fight-or-flight response”.

Though the EP doesn’t come across as agressive and full of anger, at least two of these seem to sound like a person or something with some kind of angst. The important thing to remember here is that none of these songs are belted out Liam Gallagher style. But then, why would you want that? Turin Brakes have loads of angry songs, but you don’t necessarily need to shout to get your feelings out. Emergency 72 has a lot of up and down moments where Olly’s voice sounds extremely tense, there’s lots of breathing over the lyrics, particularly at the start. Mind Over Money, on the other hand, has the chorus to end all chorus’.

Songs / Lyrics

  1. Mind over Money (tabs) (video)
  2. Nine to Five (video)
  3. Emergency 72 (tabs) (video)
  4. Christine (tabs) (video)

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