Turin Brakes were joining the 5 other hot alternative / indie acts to tour the UK. This also resulted in a limited 12″ vinyl featuring tracks by these acts. Besides Turin Brakes, the EP features a diverse group of artists: Dj Skitz & Rodney, Lisp, Max Tundra (who would later remix Turin Brakes’ Long Distance), Skylab and Lazarus. The result is a pretty incoherent EP (the tracks vary in genre from hiphop to electronic noise to lounge) where Turin Brakes are basically the odd one out. The track featured here is a home recording of Future Boy. They manage to mess up the intro, so they try a second take and this one is perfect. It differs from the later version (on 2001’s The Optimist LP) in recording style (this live home version is much more intimate) and the final lines, which are sung much slower. Lyrically there are some minor differences.
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