Turin Brakes on Vintage TV Wednesday night (trailer)
30 minutes of live music tomorrow night (25 May) at 10.30 pm on Vintage TV. New! Stepping on the gas with a live performance…
Turin Brakes head to Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch
Turn on those good-old televisions tomorrow, because Turin Brakes will be popping up on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch, presumably as a musical guest,…
Olly appears on VintageTV on Janice Long Review Show
Olly appeared on VintageTV to review two iconic albums on Janice Long’s review show. Olly appeared for the Christmas special of the show…
BREAKING: Turin Brakes on BT Sport 1 tonight
Turin Brakes TV appearance alert! Turin Brakes are appearing on Life’s a Pitch on BT Sport 1 tonight, a talk show hosted by…
Thank You, Gossip Girl?
Thanks to Turin Brakes appearing on Gossip Girl for the second time in a row (once again, Dark On Fire), you can now…
Turin Brakes music on television shows
Turin Brakes songs are featured on US TV series once again… Some nice attention for Dark On Fire, which is good since the…