Turin Brakes play acoustic session on XFM tonight
Turin Brakes are joining John Kennedy on XFM London, Manchester and Scotland tonight for an exclusive live acoustic session and guest appearance on…
Listen again: Turin Brakes on Xposure (XFM)
Here’s a nice little treat for you. Turin Brakes joined XFM last night for an appearance on X-Posure with John Kennedy. It’s a…
Turin Brakes Press and Media Round-Up
Two more audio interviews. And on Wednesday TB will join XFM (London) for the Xposure music show! Audioboo: Exeter, Phoenix interview with Olly here.…
Radio alert: Olly on XFM London
Tonight, Olly will be a guest on XFM Xposure with John Kennedy. You can listen on air here from 11 pm. Hopefully it…