Episode 4 (Cologne and Amsterdam) – 2 May 2016
This episode was recorded on the road, attending the gigs in Cologne and Amsterdam in April 2016. Features songs from these shows including 96, Keep Me Around, Lost Property, Future Boy, Jump Start, Last Chance, Save You and The Door. And some banter in between.
Episode 3 (10 Years JackInABox) – 30 May 2015
So, it’s been a while, but here’s another installment of the Ether Site podcast, The Ether’s On-Air, there’s lots of acoustic fun in here, all from the JackInABox era. There’s live versions of some of JackInABox best songs and some pretty swell rare songs that you may not have heard before (including a Japanese bonus track). In-between there’s some banter with Dutch accents, but I think you’ll find more music than talking in this podcast. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want me to do more or have any ideas to improve it.
The Ether’s On-Air 003: 10 Years JackInABox by Stefan Meeuws on Mixcloud
Episode 2 (Live in Brighton, Christmas Special) – 26 December 2013
This second episode was recorded at St. George’s Church in Brighton, before the final gig of the We Were Here tour on 23 November. It features fellow Turin Brakes fans Shazia and Clinton and if you don’t like us talking, fast-forward to 7 minutes in to hear an excellent song by Kevin Pearce live in Brighton and then to 22 minutes in from where you can hear almost 30 minutes of Turin Brakes live in Brighton. Enjoy!
The Ether’s On-Air: 002 Christmas Special by Stefan Meeuws on Mixcloud
Episode 1 (Pilot: featuring Sleeper, Loopa and Future Boy (live in Berlin) – 03 February 2013
The first episode of The Ether’s On Air!
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